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Nonverbal Communication App

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Non Verbal Communication App - BodyChats
Communication is based on verbal and non verbal words. We were taught oral words. But not the silent words. That's why the non verbal communication app - Body Language, was created.

People are taught to look at the face to recognize gestures in nonverbal communication. If that were true, think of an eye wink. Sometimes that gesture means approval. Or flirting? Or warning someone of an upcoming action. So gestures in nonverbal communication can have different meanings depending on other actions.

Some people identify body posture in communication as the key. Is it? You may have your arms crossed. Does that mean you are defensive? Or giving a self hug? Or just cold? You dont KNOW the answer. You need more information . . . dont you. So an app for nonverbal MUST explain more than gestures and postures.
Relying on only gestures nonverbal communication is like hearing one word and know what the person would finish saying! And that is absurd!
To understand non-verbal communication, you must read the gestures, postures, positions and distance, all at one time, of a person speaking or not. This is the BodyChats system, protected by US Library of Congress issued copyrights TX7-220-520, TX7-244-061, TXu1-801-888.
Some think a non verbal communication app is a gimmick; it cant be trusted; its different for different cultures.
Body language is not man-made. It is science based. Consider the following:
Nonverbal communication is a universal language (Kreung Research by Thalia Wheatley of Dartmouth College).
Inborn gestures in nonverbal communication are the same across multiple cultures (Darwin, Ekman, Freisen and Sorenson). *Up to 15% of gestures in nonverbal communication may have different meanings depending on culture.
Attitudes and emotions are recognized by BodyChats; not words (Pease & Pease)
Women have 4 times as many behavior evaluators than men, which makes them more intuitive (Study by University of Cambridge).
Eye blink rate is controlled by the brains Globus Pallidus.
The brains amygdala controls the rate crossed legs bounce up/down.
The brains mirror neurons make you copy anothers actions (Giacomo Rizzolatti, University of Parma, Italy)

Why are non verbal body language app important?
Because body movements (gestures, postures, positions and distance) express attitudes and emotions of people speaking or not.
Why is this important?
Dangerous situations can occur when using online dating sites. (Pew Research, The Virtues and Downsides of Online Dating). Can you tell if the person you are meeting for coffee is safe to be with? Words can tell lies. BodyChats cant support lies because the brain controls body movement. Protect yourself before a dangerous situation occurs.
Poor communication worldwide costs businesses $40 billion per year (Holmes Report and International Communications Consultancy Organization). Effective communication, understand both verbal and non verbal which can result in a Return On Investment of up to 9% per year (Towers Watson).
Tourists are a target for criminal activities. No one says, I am going to rob you! They just do it. Recognize the attitudes and emotions before they take action.
Bad video conferencing leads to a loss of over $399 billion per year. Virtual meetings can produce better results by following:
1. All participants must have their cameras on at all times.
2. All participants must be viewed from the waist to the top of the head
3. Use BodyChats, communication app for non verbal, and turn intuition into knowledge
4. Remember, gestures in nonverbal conversation, only give one word of the sentence.

Is BodyChats a proven learning method?
We have used a combination of the best verbal elanguage learning apps, to create a teaching system effective and familiar for all users. We go beyond only using gestures in nonverbal communication.
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Developer: The BodyChats LLC

Recent changes: minor bug fixes